Excel Cut Shortcut

excel cut shortcut

Use the Excel Ctrl + X cut shortcut to move the selected content, formatting styles, and formulas, or use the same shortcut on Mac. Once your data is in the clipboard, use the paste values shortcut or the paste special command. Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut How the cut function work The most important thing is … Read more

Shortcut to open the insert function dialog box

shortcut to open the insert function dialog box

To open the Insert Function dialog box, press Shift + F3. To start the Formula Builder dialog box on a Mac, use the Fn + Shift + F3 shortcut. Windows Shortcut Mac shortcut Excel has hundreds of built-in functions. If you want to find the proper function, the Insert Function command will help. How to … Read more

Sum Shortcut in Excel

excel sum shortcut

Learn how to use the Excel SUM Shortcut by pressing Alt + = keys to create a formula and quickly summarize values in a range of cells. The Excel Sum Shortcut (using the SUM function) helps you create a formula using the selected range. It does not matter if you are working on rows or … Read more

Shortcuts not working in Excel

excel shortcuts not working

This guide will help you if your keyboard shortcuts are not working in Excel. Learn how to fix it quickly and easily! We love Excel Keyboard Shortcuts and other time-saving features! However, if you want to apply your favorite shortcut, nothing happens. How to deal with it? One of the most frustrating things is that … Read more

Save As Shortcut in Excel

excel save as shortcut

Use the Save as shortcut in Excel by pressing F12 or Ctrl + S. Reach the function through the File Tab or Quick Access Toolbar. Press the Ctrl + S shortcut to display the ‘Save as’ dialogue box. Once the file is saved, press the F12 function key to save the file again in the … Read more

Excel Merge Cells Shortcut

excel merge cells shortcut

The Excel Merge Cells Shortcut helps you combine and center the content of the selected cells and creates a new, larger cell using a single cell. In this article, we’ll help you to discover the merge cells shortcut to save you time. Let’s get started! Table of contents: Using the Merge Cells Shortcut Key in … Read more

Excel Paste Values Shortcut

How to Paste Values Using Excel Shortcut

Speed up your work using the Excel paste values shortcut key. We will show various shortcut keys to perform this operation quickly. This definitive guide will show you the most used paste values shortcuts through useful examples. OK, here we go! Download the Paste Values Shortcut Tutorial spreadsheet here. Table of contents: Keyboard Shortcut to … Read more

Format painter shortcut key

excel format painter shortcut general

The Excel format painter shortcut key is helpful when you want to copy the cell format quickly but don’t want to use the ribbon icon. The format painter key sequence is: Windows shortcut Mac shortcut Not available There is no format painter shortcut for Mac Excel. The workaround for Mac: First, create a macro to … Read more

Excel Strikethrough Shortcut

Excel Strikethrough Shortcut

This definitive guide will show you how to apply the Excel strikethrough shortcut as a checkmark alternative using five methods. Let’s talk about the point before diving deep into the details and examples. What is Strikethrough in Excel? Strikethrough is a cell-related feature in Excel. This function crosses the cell content (text or numbers) by … Read more

Insert Row Shortcut in Excel

insert row shortcut in excel how to

There are different ways to use the Insert Row Shortcut in Excel to add a blank row above the selected row and speed up your work. Windows Mac Steps to insert a new row using the keyboard shortcut: Learn more about Excel Shortcuts! Insert a new row without a shortcut Step 1. Select the row … Read more