Add years to date

add years to date excel xdate

To add years to date in Excel, you can use the XDATE function instead of built-in functions like YEAR, MONTH, and DAY.

Sum every nth row

sum every nth row in Excel

Learn how to sum every nth row (for example, every second, third, or fifth row) in Excel using the SUMN or SUMPRODUCT function.

Count numbers by nth digit

Count numbers by nth digit in Excel

To count numbers where the nth digit is a given number, use the Excel COUNTDIGITS function or a formula based on MID and IFERROR functions.

Count cells that contain text

count cells that contain text

To count cells that contain text in a range, you can use the COUNTX Excel function or the COUNTIF function with a wildcard.

Add leading zeros

add leading zeros in Excel

To add leading zeros in Excel, you can use the ZFILL function, which keeps the zeros before the numeric values and convert numbers to text value.

Sum last n columns

sum last n columns

To sum last n columns in a range or a table, you can use the SUMCOLUMNS function in Excel instead of long formulas.

SUM if between two numbers

SUM IF BETWEEN two numbers

To sum if between in Excel, you can use the SUMBETWEEN function with two criteria or the built-in SUMIF function.