Sum last n columns

To sum last n columns in a range or a table, you can use the SUMCOLUMNS function in Excel instead of long formulas.

How to Sum last n columns in Excel

  1. Write the formula in cell B3
  2. =SUMCOLUMNS(B10:B20, n)
  3. Press Enter
  4. The function will return the last n columns in the range


SUMCOLUMNS is a user-defined function that lets you write a simple, easy-to-understand formula when you want to sum the last n columns or first n columns in a selected range.


=SUMCOLUMNS(range, n, [optional TRUE or FALSE])


The function uses two required and one optional argument.

  • Range”: range of cells that contain numeric values.
  • n”: the number of columns you want to sum.
  • firstColumns”: optional argument. In the case of TRUE, the function sums the last n columns. In the case of FALSE (default), the function will sum the last n columns.

Example to sum last n columns

In the example, we have 7 columns in the B3:H10 range, and the goal is to sum the last 3 columns.

Configure the arguments:

  • Range = B3:H10
  • n = 3
  • firstColumns: We do not use the optional argument since the default value is FALSE.


sum last n columns

Workaround with SUM and FILTER Excel functions

What if you want to sum the last n columns in Excel and are unfamiliar with user-defined functions? The following method uses the SUM, FILTER, COLUMN, and COLUMNS functions.

Generic formula:

=SUM(FILTER(range, COLUMN(range)>COLUMNS(range)-(N+1)))

In the example, the range is B3:H10 and N=3; the formula looks like below:

=SUM(FILTER(B3:H10, COLUMN(B3:H10)>COLUMNS(B3:H10)-3+1))

Evaluate the formula from the inside out:


The expression returns an array that contains boolean (TRUE and FALSE) values:


This array will be the second argument of the filter function:


The FILTER function returns a filtered range that contains the last N=3 columns:

sum last n columns FILTER function

Finally, the SUM function calculates the sum of values in the last n columns.

=SUM(FILTER(B3:H10, COLUMN(B3:H10)>COLUMNS(B3:H10)-3+1))

The result is 320, which is equal to the SUMCOLUMNS function result.

How to sum first n columns

  1. Write the formula in cell B3
  2. =SUMCOLUMNS(B10:B20, n,TRUE)
  3. Press Enter
  4. The function will return the last n columns in the range

To sum the first n columns in a selected range, change the formula and apply the optional argument. Set the “firstColumns” argument to TRUE.





If you want to use the SUMCOLUMNS function, copy and paste the code below into a new module.

Function SUMCOLUMNS(rng As Range, n As Long, Optional firstColumns As Long = 0) As Double
    Dim row, col As Long
    Dim sum As Double

    sum = 0
    For row = 1 To rng.Rows.count
        If firstColumns = 0 Then
            col = rng.Column + rng.Columns.count - n
            sum = sum + WorksheetFunction.sum(Range(Cells(rng.row + row - 1, col), _
            Cells(rng.row + row - 1, rng.Column + rng.Columns.count - 1)))
            col = rng.Column
            sum = sum + WorksheetFunction.sum(Range(Cells(rng.row + row - 1, col), _
            Cells(rng.row + row - 1, col + n - 1)))
        End If
    Next row

    SUMCOLUMNS = sum
End Function

Additional resources

Istvan Vozar

Istvan is the co-founder of Visual Analytics. He helps people reach the top in Excel.